We all wear masks in life. For some, they have only ever shown up on rare occasion. For others, they have faded over time as self-acceptance and congruence has increased. And then there are those whose masks are more of a permanent fixture, obfuscating the real person for variety of motives.
Sometimes our masks are tied to changes in situat...
- Mahatma Gandhi
For many people, times are stressful. Resources (of ALL types) are stretched. Depending on your circumstances, it may possibly be the most inconvenient time EVER for you to serve someone else.
...but it might just be the most important time, too, and maybe even the m...
Which way does your team cleave?
Cleave is such a funny word. It's short, with its singular syllable, and it has two definitions which are completely opposite one another.
According to the dictionary, cleave can ...
I love Reds. I love their bold natures and their competitive drive. They get things done. They make things happen, and they are rarely, if ever, satisfied.
To understand the Reds in your life, you have to comprehend what drives them.
For Reds, the engine that powers their personalities - that influences the way they think, feel, and behave...
The last couple of months of 2020 have been challenging, to say the least.
I don't say that lightly. Millions of people around the world have suffered significantly. Lives, health, employment, stability, hope - and more - have been completely lost or irreparably compromised for so many. Our hearts ache for them, and they have our deepest sympathies and condolences.
On a much smaller scale, most people in the world have be...
Psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck opened his classic book, The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth, with a profound three word sentence:
"Life is difficult."
I was probably 21 years old when I first read those words, and I flat out didn't believe them. How could I? I was far too naĂŻve and inexperienced back then (as young Yellows tend to be).
But life persisted, ...
I am a Yellow. Based on Color Code Personality Theory, that means that FUN is my Driving Core Motive and that it is part of the "hard-wiring" of my personality. In other words, I was born a Yellow, and I'll die a Yellow. That doesn't mean that I haven't learned (or can't learn) to be responsible (like Reds), or compassionate (like Blues), or kind (like Whites).
To und...
- New Testament
In times of trial and challenge, as human beings, we tend to cling to and protect the things that are most precious in the world to us.
Our "treasures".
When that happens, a lot of former MUST-haves lose their importance and we become more focused on the fact that often the simplest things in the world bring us the greatest amount of joy and happiness.
We ALL suffer devastating personal losses over the course of ti...
- George Lucas
I'm a big fan of focusing on what you DO want to happen, as opposed to what you DON'T want to happen.
Have you ever tried to lose weight by making a list of what NOT to eat?
If you're constantly telling yourself "Don't eat brownies" or "Don't grab that slice of pizza", all you do is think about brownies and pizza ALL. DAY. LONG.
So then it's just you against your will power, which is never a good recipe f...
You know the one I'm talking about. It starts with something like, "Things are crazy, right?" or "Wild times, eh?" or "Everything is so weird right now", etc.
And how many times do you check the news every day?... (including the news feed on your phone, the internet, and social media).
In times like these, it is completely understandable to want to stay informed, and we SHOULD. It's totally un...
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