Welcome to Color Code Classroom

You’ve taken our personality assessment online and discovered your personality type...
Now what?

Color Code Classroom is where you begin building stronger relationships in all areas of your life.

This is important because all life is about relationships!

What You Can Learn From The Color Code

Discover More About Your Unique Personality Style And What Motivates You

You are one of a kind! Increase your self-awareness to realize your fullest potential.

Access Personal And Professional Development Courses

Knowledge is power! Find the right course to help you grow in areas important to you.

Understand What Makes Other People β€œTick” And How To Work With Them

People can be confusing! Learn about why they do what they do & how to connect.

Live A More Passionate, Purpose-Filled, And Happier Life

Find your bliss! Overcome personal obstacles and enjoy a more fulfilling way of life.

Develop Rewarding And Long-Lasting Personal Relationships

Relationships matter the most! Develop new connections and strengthen existing ties.

Build Better Teams And Drive Organizational Performance

Make your mark! Boost career performance by learning how to inspire & develop others.

Our Courses

Color Code Immersion: The Complete Online Workshop

Did you know that your ability to communicate, understand, connect with, and relate to others is far more important to your success and your happiness in life than just about anything else?

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The Power of YOU: Understanding Your RED Personality Type

Did you score as a RED on the Color Code Personality Test? If so, this course has been designed specifically for you...

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The Power of YOU: Understanding Your BLUE Personality Type

Did you score as a BLUE on the Color Code Personality Test? If so, this course has been designed specifically for you...

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The Power of YOU: Understanding Your WHITE Personality Type

Did you score as a WHITE on the Color Code Personality Test? If so, this course has been designed specifically for you...

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The Power of YOU: Understanding Your YELLOW Personality Type

Did you score as a YELLOW on the Color Code Personality Test? If so, this course has been designed specifically for you...

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Color Code University: Online Learning Academy for Certified Color Code Trainers

Would you like to be licensed to deliver Color Code Workshops and administer the Color Code Personality Assessment?

Learn More

50% Complete

Two Step

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